A poetry blog of the members of the Beautiful Minds Community Facebook, their featured poems, anthologies, books in print and community information.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Patricia Picardi, Ingenerio Maschwitz, Argentina
Hey you...
Hey you ...
Don't stop looking for happiness,
for nothing in the world.
In our dreams
we can be happy,
but we have the tools and resources
to find happiness in real life.
Let's be convinced that we have
the treasure map where we will find
the long-awaited happiness.
Don't stop looking for happiness,
for nothing in the world.
In our dreams
we can be happy,
but we have the tools and resources
to find happiness in real life.
Let's be convinced that we have
the treasure map where we will find
the long-awaited happiness.
Rajani Sharma, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, India
One Final Shot
The breeze that blew on his face was charged with the aroma of past, tempting his sense to go back to the place where he belonged to. But it was too late; the time was gone, and with it the hope of going back had elapsed. He had chosen this life, to follow his passion over the blue-collar job his father had intended for him.
The breeze that blew on his face was charged with the aroma of past, tempting his sense to go back to the place where he belonged to. But it was too late; the time was gone, and with it the hope of going back had elapsed. He had chosen this life, to follow his passion over the blue-collar job his father had intended for him.
As the ship lurched its way through the waves of the ocean, he lay there squinting his eyes from the harsh sun rays watching a Seagull Soaring high up in the sky.
“It could be a perfect shot,” he thought still laying there without moving a muscle. He wished he could have his hands on his weapon he could have got that bird’s shot as a trophy. If only his hands were free from the knots he would grab his weapon for the perfect shot.
“It’s time to say good bye, intruder” a man’s voice was heard, who placed his gun point on the captives head.
“Any last wish?” he asked.
The captives nodded as he saw few more of the seagull diving back… “Oh! God one shot please….” Was what he continuously prayed for, even at that crucial moment!
With his hands loosened and the cloth removed from his mouth he coughed hard and said in gasps“I want to Take a shot of that bird…”but before he could finish his words the gun went BANG and brought the bird fluttering down on the deck. … ” your wish is granted” the one eyed man said with the smoke still swirling out of the gun mouth. The captive’s eyes widen with horror…. “What did you do? I wanted a shot…why did you kill it?” He said reaching out for the pouch tied on his waist.
With his hand still clung to something inside that pouch. “I did it for you” was the reply from the man with the gun, before the captive could pull out what his pouch had, “Bang” went the gun. With that the entire ocean went silent.
The captive was down with blood gushing out from his forehead and his hands glued to the camera in the pouch.
(c) 2019 Rajani Sharma
This story has been shared with us by the author, appearing first in her blog, Tricky Lane. Shared here as the poet has posted this to Beautiful Minds Community as well.
(c) 2019 Rajani Sharma
This story has been shared with us by the author, appearing first in her blog, Tricky Lane. Shared here as the poet has posted this to Beautiful Minds Community as well.
Jamie Leigh Jones, Mount Olive, North Carolina, USA
Purity Of Peace
She drifts away to a calming place where the water rolls at a crawling pace
A distant land where there's only grace with embracing arms of the open space
Floating vibrations fill the air leaving her whole with no cross to bear
Letting go of life's stressing glare as her soul and nature have a love affair
Nature puts her soul at ease and her mind can finally rest in peace
Drifting further and further away she feels the purity of complete release
All her burdens lift away leaving only her body and mind to stay
Soul cleansed, refocused with no refrain she can now begin another day
(c) 2019 Jamie Leigh Jones
Inside the Corners of My Mind Poetry
She drifts away to a calming place where the water rolls at a crawling pace
A distant land where there's only grace with embracing arms of the open space
Floating vibrations fill the air leaving her whole with no cross to bear
Letting go of life's stressing glare as her soul and nature have a love affair
Nature puts her soul at ease and her mind can finally rest in peace
Drifting further and further away she feels the purity of complete release
All her burdens lift away leaving only her body and mind to stay
Soul cleansed, refocused with no refrain she can now begin another day
(c) 2019 Jamie Leigh Jones
Inside the Corners of My Mind Poetry
Maria Elvira Fernandes Correia, Brazil
Maria is writing a Cherita, in response to a writing challenge issued in Beautiful Minds Community this week by our own Maricris Cabrera, Owner
If I am in love, a Muse is to Blame
She is sweet, and her mellifluous Voice is, to my Ears, a tender Lullaby,
whispers before the sleep to lulling dreams.
whispers before the sleep to lulling dreams.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
McKolombo Dircogmania (Gemini Carlos), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
State Lit
Counting stars, speaking rain
Talking to the twinkling blues
Loud and clear, when the music begins
I would like to tell my story, when am alive.
Talking to the twinkling blues
Loud and clear, when the music begins
I would like to tell my story, when am alive.
To Too Twilight
Time flies, timeless
Engrossed, priceless
To do what is right
In twilight things apart
To do too is to shed my hat
To shed black tears
To be eager and taught
In the rains,
To do too is too swift
Easy come go and don't get caught
Engrossed, priceless
To do what is right
In twilight things apart
To do too is to shed my hat
To shed black tears
To be eager and taught
In the rains,
To do too is too swift
Easy come go and don't get caught
Rob Dead
Am dead,
being robbed
What a mess
Dead rob
Rubbing my wounds
In the warmness of hope
In the fertility of faith
The agitility of a dream
Am a robe
Dubbed to hide world insanity
Cloth in me
Then i will rob your stress
Fill in grace
A brighter face
Joy, laughter.
Rob me dead
And i will resurrect
being robbed
What a mess
Dead rob
Rubbing my wounds
In the warmness of hope
In the fertility of faith
The agitility of a dream
Am a robe
Dubbed to hide world insanity
Cloth in me
Then i will rob your stress
Fill in grace
A brighter face
Joy, laughter.
Rob me dead
And i will resurrect
Mckolombo is an established musician and poet from East Africa. For more click on the links on my page.
All Rights Reserved.
The song Afadhali Yesu is the first single released off my upcoming album I KNOW.Song now available in all streaming sites.
Here is his YouTube link. If this link is not supported by our Blog, copy the address and plug in to YouTube
Mihaela Ienutas, Baia Mare, Romania
N-auzi cum trec,
Pe câmpiille cerului ,
Hergheliile stelelor,
În galop?
Cu zilele noastre călare?
Nu vezi cum colbul,
Se depune ,
Pe visele noastre?
Dormi, tu !
Mă voi pune eu ,
De-a curmezișul ,
În calea lor.
Și apoi, fie
Mă vor strivi,
Fie se vor opri.
Și voi câștiga un răgaz,
Pentru noi.
N-auzi cum trec,
Pe câmpiille cerului ,
Hergheliile stelelor,
În galop?
Cu zilele noastre călare?
Nu vezi cum colbul,
Se depune ,
Pe visele noastre?
Dormi, tu !
Mă voi pune eu ,
De-a curmezișul ,
În calea lor.
Și apoi, fie
Mă vor strivi,
Fie se vor opri.
Și voi câștiga un răgaz,
Pentru noi.
(c) 2019 M.I.
Are you sleeping?
You do not hear me go,
On the plains of heaven,
Stars' hedgehogs,
In the gallop?
With our riding days?
Are you sleeping?
You do not see how the fool,
It is deposited,
On our dreams?
You sleep !
I will put myself,
In their path.
And then, either
They will crush me,
Or, they will stop.
And I will win a respite,
For us.
(translation from Romanian by Google Translate)
Pramod Gangadharan, Kozhikode, Kerala, India
Life without Words
I have seen life from a street another
Where no one waits for other
Everyone keen to make their own way
Break all norms to achieve their aim
And in evening sit and write about humanity
Where no one waits for other
Everyone keen to make their own way
Break all norms to achieve their aim
And in evening sit and write about humanity
This is the place where you may feel unloved
But I will love you with all my heart
When you feel disappointed about failures
I will remind you about your accomplishments
And in the evening write love poems for you
But I will love you with all my heart
When you feel disappointed about failures
I will remind you about your accomplishments
And in the evening write love poems for you
In this world if you are made to feel ugly
I will become the mirror
That shall remind you how beautiful you are within
The beauty that very few people can show you
And in the evening I will sit and write verses describing thy beauty
I will become the mirror
That shall remind you how beautiful you are within
The beauty that very few people can show you
And in the evening I will sit and write verses describing thy beauty
I shall love you when you are wreck
When you feel quite and scared
When you are lost amidst this unfair air
I will trace you out and secure inside my heart
And in the evening I will write songs to calm your fears
When you feel quite and scared
When you are lost amidst this unfair air
I will trace you out and secure inside my heart
And in the evening I will write songs to calm your fears
© 2019 sagarikapramod
Dale Warren (with Barbie Lawson Parker)
Haunted By Her: A collaboration by Dale Warren and Barbie Lawson Parker 7/19/2019
He was haunted by the memories of her
She lingers in his mind and heart
But yet he knows their love has been torn apart
Oh how the memories do haunt him
She lingers in his mind and heart
But yet he knows their love has been torn apart
Oh how the memories do haunt him
The feel of her skin
Her warmth next to him
The grip of her fingers
The smells that linger
Her warmth next to him
The grip of her fingers
The smells that linger
The ghost of what was
The torture of lost love
The torture of lost love
The pain of self doubt
The question I can’t say out loud
Could she be the one ?
So cruel to discover after we are done
The question I can’t say out loud
Could she be the one ?
So cruel to discover after we are done
Cruel to discover that they we’re done
But damn he couldn’t forget all the fun
He knew she had ripped his heart apart
But yet he often consider another start
Haunted by her memories
He had to release her he had to be free
But damn he couldn’t forget all the fun
He knew she had ripped his heart apart
But yet he often consider another start
Haunted by her memories
He had to release her he had to be free
Marilyn Ward, United Kingdom
There's a sigh
Drifts like a ghost floating by
where to
I wonder why
Is it lost
Far from home
Who owned this passing breath
That caresses my cheek
Was it you
Are you lonely in the emptiness
Wishing to hold a living soul
I'll never know
So I shall just imagine for now
That it was you
For I also
Miss you too
Drifts like a ghost floating by
where to
I wonder why
Is it lost
Far from home
Who owned this passing breath
That caresses my cheek
Was it you
Are you lonely in the emptiness
Wishing to hold a living soul
I'll never know
So I shall just imagine for now
That it was you
For I also
Miss you too
Elizabeth Bullock, Preston, Lancashire, England, United Kingdom
Blood sweat and tears, my fears,
forming words,as they spill from my lips,
all the while my painted smile.
Trembling in time, pouring colours sublime,
forming words,as they spill from my lips,
all the while my painted smile.
Trembling in time, pouring colours sublime,
My heart beating in rhythm
to the strokes of my brush
armed with pen and paper.
A blot on the landscape of my maker
to the strokes of my brush
armed with pen and paper.
A blot on the landscape of my maker
(c) 2019 Elizabeth Bullock
[New Member, sharing her first post in Beautiful Minds]
David Mac Eachern, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
Miracle Worker
Living among the vine, growing fine
Straight and narrow view, journey grew
Adorning time's design, walking the line
Once then again dream come true
Straight and narrow view, journey grew
Adorning time's design, walking the line
Once then again dream come true
Called by trusting voice saying try
Free to choose, dare or fear
As day each step gone by
Taken to extreme, mission to revere
Free to choose, dare or fear
As day each step gone by
Taken to extreme, mission to revere
Been sent upon the mountain way
No promise made, life only knows
Ups and downs the world's display
Passionate rhythm, that's how it goes
No promise made, life only knows
Ups and downs the world's display
Passionate rhythm, that's how it goes
(c) 2019 David Mac Eachern
Mary Lynn Luiz, Winter Haven, Florida, USA
Joy in the Morning,
makes my heart light and gay!
I am prepared,
and ready for a perfect day!
Joy in the Afternoon,
All of my tasks are getting done,
I'm sure I'll have them all finished,
before the setting of the sun!
All of my tasks are getting done,
I'm sure I'll have them all finished,
before the setting of the sun!
Joy in the Evening,
My heart was filled,
with joy all day long,
filling my soul,
with a brand-new song!
My heart was filled,
with joy all day long,
filling my soul,
with a brand-new song!
Joy in the Night,
A day well lived,
leads to a peaceful night!
As I lay down in bed,
and turn out the light!
A day well lived,
leads to a peaceful night!
As I lay down in bed,
and turn out the light!
Thank you, God, for wonderful day!
Filling my heart with Joy that will stay!
No matter what comes my way,
I know Your Joy in my heart is here to stay!
© 2019 Mary Lynn Luiz
Filling my heart with Joy that will stay!
No matter what comes my way,
I know Your Joy in my heart is here to stay!
© 2019 Mary Lynn Luiz
Mirella Ester Pennone Masi, Pavia, Italy
Nell' Azzuro
Vita mia tempestosa
tu splenderai ancora per me
tra i pendii dorati dei colli
e in acque chiare,
Saranno soltanto un ricordo
quelle calde notti vuote,
di un agosto canoro,
e nell'azzurro inusitato di mare.
Poi mi avvolgerai amorevole
in una dolce quietudine,
disorientandomi un poco
al sussulto del maestrale.
Mi troverai tra i tuoi lampi saettanti,
che a volte tradiscono
e incrinano i sogni, graffiando
gli slanci fragili del cuore!
(c) 2019 Mirella Ester Pennone Masi
In the blue
Life my stormy
You still are splendor for me
Among the golden slopes of the hills
And in clear waters,
They will just be a
Those warm empty nights,
Of a singing August,
And in the blue sea of seas.
Then I will wrap loving
In a sweet,,
Disoriented a little
At the blast of the mistral
You'll find me in your flashing lightning,
That sometimes they cheat
And cause dreams, scratching
The fragile impulses of the heart!
Vita mia tempestosa
tu splenderai ancora per me
tra i pendii dorati dei colli
e in acque chiare,
Saranno soltanto un ricordo
quelle calde notti vuote,
di un agosto canoro,
e nell'azzurro inusitato di mare.
Poi mi avvolgerai amorevole
in una dolce quietudine,
disorientandomi un poco
al sussulto del maestrale.
Mi troverai tra i tuoi lampi saettanti,
che a volte tradiscono
e incrinano i sogni, graffiando
gli slanci fragili del cuore!
(c) 2019 Mirella Ester Pennone Masi
In the blue
Life my stormy
You still are splendor for me
Among the golden slopes of the hills
And in clear waters,
They will just be a
Those warm empty nights,
Of a singing August,
And in the blue sea of seas.
Then I will wrap loving
In a sweet,,
Disoriented a little
At the blast of the mistral
You'll find me in your flashing lightning,
That sometimes they cheat
And cause dreams, scratching
The fragile impulses of the heart!
Dolores Altea Lapinid, Marikina City, Philippines
Fadeless Beauty
One day while I was having tea
an elderly pretty woman sat beside me.
"Hello Lily, l am Connie ".
Do you still remember the varsity?
an elderly pretty woman sat beside me.
"Hello Lily, l am Connie ".
Do you still remember the varsity?
"Of course, Connie, you were the varsity queen
the Lucky Charm,that gave the team a sure win. "
You are still pretty, though you are older."
"Thank you Lily, but I am now a sister. "
the Lucky Charm,that gave the team a sure win. "
You are still pretty, though you are older."
"Thank you Lily, but I am now a sister. "
Your beautiful face never changed. even though you have aged
Thank you, Lily.
I guess you have a family .
Thank you, Lily.
I guess you have a family .
Sister Connie, l am now a widow. Just a few months ago.
My only daughter has now a family.
I am now retired. I take care of my grandchildren happily.
My only daughter has now a family.
I am now retired. I take care of my grandchildren happily.
Looking at you Sister Connie, your aura spells joyfulness.
Your smile is full of cheerfulness.
Lily, my life is full of di simplicity.
I enjoy caring for the poor children given by the Almighty.
Your smile is full of cheerfulness.
Lily, my life is full of di simplicity.
I enjoy caring for the poor children given by the Almighty.
Lily, for me now, beauty is no longer on the external side.
What is important is what is inside.
Our heart is the vessel of fadeless beauty.
It contains the love of the Almighty .
What is important is what is inside.
Our heart is the vessel of fadeless beauty.
It contains the love of the Almighty .
I had passed the age of beautiful faces.
that creates admirers from different places.
and smooth and clear complexion,
which makes people look at different directions.
In short, Sister Connie, fadeless beauty lies in your heart .
Lily, it is the deep love you have for the poor children which society has set apart.
that creates admirers from different places.
and smooth and clear complexion,
which makes people look at different directions.
In short, Sister Connie, fadeless beauty lies in your heart .
Lily, it is the deep love you have for the poor children which society has set apart.
© 2019 Dolores Altea Lapinid
Henry Farrell, London, England, United Kingdom
Of This Way, Said Man
From dust, 'tis as it be
The body ordained to me;
The body ordained to me;
A way indistinct and shadowy,
An understanding...deep of antiquity
An understanding...deep of antiquity
And so perplexed, so dim and dark...
From the present to look back,
From the present to look back,
In presence, one should bow, unto him conspicuous;
In benefit, bow! unto him illustrious
In benefit, bow! unto him illustrious
With thy hollow, full of substance...
And flavoured of genuine essence:
And flavoured of genuine essence:
Someone who can tested-
Thy fore-fathers' respected...
Thy fore-fathers' respected...
That the way, the ancient...are from it,
From dust, 'tis as it be, our benefit ✍️
From dust, 'tis as it be, our benefit ✍️
© 2019 Henry Farrell
David W Palmer, Auburn, Washington USA
behind the clouds
the sun always shines
indeed, he is the one
who orchestrates their movement
into and out of our lives
(c) 2019 david w palmer
the sun always shines
indeed, he is the one
who orchestrates their movement
into and out of our lives
(c) 2019 david w palmer
Gelda Castro (Gel Poetry Garden), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Leave the sameness,
the comfort zone ...
Abandon fear and insecurity,
they imprison your freedom ...
Fly high, retake your choices,
put on the armor of courage
and reborn from the ashes,
every day, if need be
and write your story
with the audacity
of the victors...
the comfort zone ...
Abandon fear and insecurity,
they imprison your freedom ...
Fly high, retake your choices,
put on the armor of courage
and reborn from the ashes,
every day, if need be
and write your story
with the audacity
of the victors...
© 2019 Gel Poetry Garden
Alberto Palomo, Lexington, South Carolina, USA
My Potlach...
Go ahead...
Close your Book....
Close it... now....
The book of dead pages...
Of things to Do...that you know...that will never be...
Let them ...fly away... to other vertices of Life...
Close your Book....
Close it... now....
The book of dead pages...
Of things to Do...that you know...that will never be...
Let them ...fly away... to other vertices of Life...
Go ahead...
Open your arms...to the Wind....
Feed ...the SUN...with the ...
whirlpool of ..worn pens...deflated poems...and...improbable horizons...
Before...a Fairy...
drags you to other lands...
Feed ...the SUN...with the ...
whirlpool of ..worn pens...deflated poems...and...improbable horizons...
Before...a Fairy...
drags you to other lands...
My Feng Sui...
Loving me...with my shoes off...
Means...loving my tanned legs...
and these feet...that ...are rubbing yours..in a...
Turmoil of desires...
Means...loving my tanned legs...
and these feet...that ...are rubbing yours..in a...
Turmoil of desires...
Hearts working...hard...
Blood torrents...
Clothes fading out...
Lips...drawing your Dunes..
Fingers...answering my first Question...
Runaway of inner kisses...
Quake...Quake...Quake ... of..
Wild Mustangs...getting lost in a maze of feelings...
Hearts working...hard...
Blood torrents...
Clothes fading out...
Lips...drawing your Dunes..
Fingers...answering my first Question...
Runaway of inner kisses...
Quake...Quake...Quake ... of..
Wild Mustangs...getting lost in a maze of feelings...
© 2019 3thoreau
© 2019 3thoreau
Arun Sharma, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Time to start journey within
Audit the accounts for assets and liabilities
The spiritual journey ahead
Takes nowhere
People with insatiable worldly greed
Let us be mindful of our action
As the wise say
They will result in proportionate reactions
Living things on planet need compassion
And we owe it to all beyond boundaries of the nations.
Audit the accounts for assets and liabilities
The spiritual journey ahead
Takes nowhere
People with insatiable worldly greed
Let us be mindful of our action
As the wise say
They will result in proportionate reactions
Living things on planet need compassion
And we owe it to all beyond boundaries of the nations.
(c) 2019 arun sharma
Stone Wood-tray Wang
Is it because the cloud from the salon will make an Australian widow cry?
And the children of the deserts are envious and sigh,
and the dream of the Red Mansion is too short.
what! White roses are like tears in glass water
what! Fearless is the most sprinkling.
Who can't forget the ghosts of Xichuan, why don't they meet two
A raging sand, the wind from the tiger for a while, a period of romance, hate a paragraph
And the children of the deserts are envious and sigh,
and the dream of the Red Mansion is too short.
what! White roses are like tears in glass water
what! Fearless is the most sprinkling.
Who can't forget the ghosts of Xichuan, why don't they meet two
A raging sand, the wind from the tiger for a while, a period of romance, hate a paragraph
The world will cry for this, and the world will become a widow.
Money is a vision, but it is a change of money. Beauty is easy to lose but it is a beautiful death.
How can you forget to dance with you and you will not have dinner?
But in the tears of the red tears, the thief is so
The chest should have a hole in the heart, ah! Glass water, black roses crying!
White and black roses, such as wild sand, no traces, strange winds without traces, no complaints as a confidant drunk
Money is a vision, but it is a change of money. Beauty is easy to lose but it is a beautiful death.
How can you forget to dance with you and you will not have dinner?
But in the tears of the red tears, the thief is so
The chest should have a hole in the heart, ah! Glass water, black roses crying!
White and black roses, such as wild sand, no traces, strange winds without traces, no complaints as a confidant drunk
Sandy romance and ice romance are eternal,
This is going to be quiet and gossip with the century.
This is going to be quiet and gossip with the century.
© 2019 Stone Wood-Tray Wang
Zenaida Laragan Taloza, Piano di Sorrento, Italy
Until Breath Ceases
I can't hold my tears
As I open the pages
My heart seems to faint
As I read the full space
As I open the pages
My heart seems to faint
As I read the full space
It was just yesterday
A great promise was made
My soul then filled with lofty thoughts solace
You vowed and gained my heart without fail
A great promise was made
My soul then filled with lofty thoughts solace
You vowed and gained my heart without fail
You let me fall so easily for you
With brilliant phrases you strew
It constrained my mind to be open with you
The true feelings that I felt for you
With brilliant phrases you strew
It constrained my mind to be open with you
The true feelings that I felt for you
Every bit of your fluvial words
Enliven my heart and soul
Striking formidable emotions
Painted my dreams with colours
Enliven my heart and soul
Striking formidable emotions
Painted my dreams with colours
The songs and sacred phrases you transpired
Were the instrument that melts my heart
My life runs like a crescrent moon
Created by your mystical nature
Were the instrument that melts my heart
My life runs like a crescrent moon
Created by your mystical nature
You animated my souls happiness a million times
More than the happy days I had in the past
You made me believed this love will last
Until death when breath ceases for us
More than the happy days I had in the past
You made me believed this love will last
Until death when breath ceases for us
© 2019 Zenaida L. Taloza
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Maria Dulce Leitão Reis, Bognor Regis, West Sussex, England, United Kingdom
I noticed a multi-coloured butterfly
That was following me.
That was following me.
Why do you follow me butterfly?
I've been following you all your life.
Happy because you noticed me now.
It is a sign that you are more attentive
Because of your senses
They are more awake
More improved.
You have grown along the way
It is the normal cycle of life.
Without you having taken it for granted
I've always diverted your steps
When you approached the abyss
So that you walked confidently.
I made you step back one step
So that you could move forward.
Happy because you noticed me now.
It is a sign that you are more attentive
Because of your senses
They are more awake
More improved.
You have grown along the way
It is the normal cycle of life.
Without you having taken it for granted
I've always diverted your steps
When you approached the abyss
So that you walked confidently.
I made you step back one step
So that you could move forward.
Who are you, butterfly?
Why do you think I'm multi-coloured?
Each colour a function.
I am your common sense
Your intuition
Your thinking
Your daring
Your discernment
Your joy
Your protective angel
A brake on your daydreams
I am the personification
Of your feelings
And your yearnings!
Each colour a function.
I am your common sense
Your intuition
Your thinking
Your daring
Your discernment
Your joy
Your protective angel
A brake on your daydreams
I am the personification
Of your feelings
And your yearnings!
Fresh water for your heart!
© 2019 Maria Dulce Leitão Reis
Harold Clapsaddle, Henryetta, Oklahoma, USA
Raised Eyebrow
© 2018 Harold Bo Clapsaddle, a hardball clod posed
A raised eyebrow about lack of results
contained within future held inevitably
an eye seeped and reddened secretions
dried reef of regret on trail of dreams
cast like dice is mystery carriage of love
with interior light set against the night
as ifin aware while asleep, will I dream.
Carried off over cold shoulder shrug gaped blouse
resinous reflection so flirted hauled thru doorway
bent middle of stomach mirrored my heated face
hissing hair tipped no sound in such stiffened air
as nothing but ever stirs the blur moved red eyes
as all in all moved growling wheels cutting deep
as mystery carriage of love always travels heart.
Yellow dust lifted balanced day lost to the wind
wherefore sweet bird flew not the far drift away
where dunes were the hour glass grounded time
on desert adrift a dream like water fell not yet of
dewy tears from interior light set against the night
draped spirit and soul accursed barnacles of Sheol
whereby reef of regret tears apart hull anchored.
Tears tear apart crimson love harbored red heart
taken part ‘twas mine raised eyebrow torn apart.
Jaime Leigh Jones, Mount Olive, North Carolina, USA
The Door Still Stands
There lies a door between you and me; a lightness and darkness that roll like the waves of the sea
I can see you standing right in front of me but you fade away like angels in my dreams
Years of mental anguish on both sides of this broken bond
Hearts bruised and battered as the peices float to the great beyond
I count the days but they run together creating a confusing blurred vision
Torturing my mind like the hands of a surgeon with great precision
My beautiful angels you will always be
Any mountain I'd climb and I'd swim the depths of any sea
Always remember that I never wanted to leave
All I wanted was happiness for you and me
My babies that I carried within my womb and gave birth to
Always know that I'm still there waiting for the day that our hearts heal and our love is renewed
I can see you standing right in front of me but you fade away like angels in my dreams
Years of mental anguish on both sides of this broken bond
Hearts bruised and battered as the peices float to the great beyond
I count the days but they run together creating a confusing blurred vision
Torturing my mind like the hands of a surgeon with great precision
My beautiful angels you will always be
Any mountain I'd climb and I'd swim the depths of any sea
Always remember that I never wanted to leave
All I wanted was happiness for you and me
My babies that I carried within my womb and gave birth to
Always know that I'm still there waiting for the day that our hearts heal and our love is renewed
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