Yes, No
I Will not be
with HIM
I cry ocean
tears dry
to Call HIM back
I strive
Copyright © 2019 MEFC
words and video
Here is the link to the video Maria submitted with this poem
A poetry blog of the members of the Beautiful Minds Community Facebook, their featured poems, anthologies, books in print and community information.
Friday, June 28, 2019
McKolombo Dircogmania (Gemini Carlos), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
I Live A Lie
The quest of this epic is magnificent
Drawn in the cloud of a white umbrella
Stretched in this earth of precious lives
Fastened through the helmet of a good song
Of when the moon danced a little bit
Of when the sun smiled one more time
Lie, but lie not to the truth
Lie to the lie or maybe to another false
All through keep smiling, keep living, and you will live
Liar live, live a lie
I was born to live and not to die
Drawn in the cloud of a white umbrella
Stretched in this earth of precious lives
Fastened through the helmet of a good song
Of when the moon danced a little bit
Of when the sun smiled one more time
Lie, but lie not to the truth
Lie to the lie or maybe to another false
All through keep smiling, keep living, and you will live
Liar live, live a lie
I was born to live and not to die
© 2019 McKolombo Dircogmania
Visit his blog at:
Visit his blog at:
More poems available at his blog:
Also, check out his music on YouTube. This is a single off his soon to be released album. Sorry, you will have to copy the address and paste it into YouTube. But trust me, it is worth the effort.
Mihaela Ienutas, Baia Mare, Romania
Mai lasă puțin,
În rouă, să se scalde vise,
Mai lasă puțin ,
Catifelat, obrazul florii!
Pe-o pânză fină de păianjen,
În somn,
Un zâmbet,
Să nu știe,
Va sfârși într-o tăcere,
Pe buze arse,
Însetate apoi,
De-a pururi,
Sub un soare,
Pe drumul său.
Prea mare
Să se oglindească
În mica lacrimă de rouă
Și-n mersul lui,
Topind ,
Nisipul viselor clădite,
În efemerele castele,
O clipă,
De cleștar,
Morman de cioburi,
În rouă, să se scalde vise,
Mai lasă puțin ,
Catifelat, obrazul florii!
Pe-o pânză fină de păianjen,
În somn,
Un zâmbet,
Să nu știe,
Va sfârși într-o tăcere,
Pe buze arse,
Însetate apoi,
De-a pururi,
Sub un soare,
Pe drumul său.
Prea mare
Să se oglindească
În mica lacrimă de rouă
Și-n mersul lui,
Topind ,
Nisipul viselor clădite,
În efemerele castele,
O clipă,
De cleștar,
Morman de cioburi,
Leave a little,
In dew, let the dreams shine,
Leave a little,
Velvety, the cheek of the flower!
On a fine cloth of spider,
In sleep,
A smile,
Do not know,
It will end in silence,
On burned lips,
Thirsty then,
For ever,
Under a sun,
On his way.
Too big
To mirror
In the little dew tear
And while walking,
The sand of dreams built,
In the ephemeral castles,
A moment,
By the cricket,
Pile of shavings,
© 2019 M.I.
Jenn Long, Norman, Oklahoma, USA
When the eagle flies over,
The Blue jays screech.
They try to warn brother crow,
"Don't fly too slow.
Don't fly too high either."
The Blue jays screech.
They try to warn brother crow,
"Don't fly too slow.
Don't fly too high either."
But the eagle eye is neither here nor there today.
The eagle soars above competition,
But when he gets hungry, he will eat.
And when he tires,
He will rise on the wings of the wind,
And go high to the place where he can rest again,
Then take another solo flight
At great heights,
Above and beyond the screeching throng,
But will the Eagle smile
To know it's all going on
Just because of him?
The eagle soars above competition,
But when he gets hungry, he will eat.
And when he tires,
He will rise on the wings of the wind,
And go high to the place where he can rest again,
Then take another solo flight
At great heights,
Above and beyond the screeching throng,
But will the Eagle smile
To know it's all going on
Just because of him?
© 2019 jenn
Sean Thomas Runyon, Paso Robles, California, USA
It seems that Throughout my life I’ve wondered
between these Deities between the perdition that eternal state of punishment
and that never-ending Search for the utopian Life of Nirvana between those thin
line I find myself wondering
I’ve sat upon the throne of Ahriman kingdom just to taste his
succulents upon my tongue that sweet taste of his deviancy became my adoration,
It became my sweet obsession.
I’ve allowed myself to be coddled within our heavenly father's
palms of mercy just to feel the glorious splendor of his love heal the
indelible marks of my self made calamity I often feel those deities pleading
for the splendorous heart of my soul
Like a Deer that pants for a stream of water or a man begging
For his last breath of life I have found myself wondering upon those thin lines
Between heaven and hell.
Memoirs from mad mind poetry
art photography were done by
Sean Thomas Runyon © 2019
art photography were done by
Sean Thomas Runyon © 2019
Pramod Gangadharan (Sagarikapramod), Kozhikode (Calicut), Kerala, India
Sneaking into Childhood
Growing old I learned
Playing safe and asking less
And to search happiness
In material inanimate things
And I only have regrets
Playing safe and asking less
And to search happiness
In material inanimate things
And I only have regrets
The old childhood days
No doubt I was happy then
The rains I had enjoyed
Today also knocks on my window
But I am hesitant
No doubt I was happy then
The rains I had enjoyed
Today also knocks on my window
But I am hesitant
I need to be careless
Dance and shout to hilt of my voice
And enjoy success of my friends
But what is that holds me know
I fail to accumulate
Dance and shout to hilt of my voice
And enjoy success of my friends
But what is that holds me know
I fail to accumulate
The taste of neighbours mango
Is still there on my tips
Sneaking into and running out to escape
Was filled with so much fun
Stealing coins to buy imli mitai wow!
Is still there on my tips
Sneaking into and running out to escape
Was filled with so much fun
Stealing coins to buy imli mitai wow!
Growing old what perspective of happiness
Are we searching in all these
Inanimate material entity
Hesitant to talk with own brother
Who had once been the reason of all happiness
Are we searching in all these
Inanimate material entity
Hesitant to talk with own brother
Who had once been the reason of all happiness
© 2019 sagarikapramod
Berna Dette (Angela's Poetry)
Far Away Sway
Here’s the thing with
people and trees...
We’ve much to learn from our friends with leaves...
So much wonder found in a gaze...
Instant peace on a hectic day.
Makes one ponder the human connection...
With Mother Earth and her gentle affection.
When you need a distraction, need to be freed...
Here’s a suggestion: Just sit with the tree 🌳✌️❤️
We’ve much to learn from our friends with leaves...
So much wonder found in a gaze...
Instant peace on a hectic day.
Makes one ponder the human connection...
With Mother Earth and her gentle affection.
When you need a distraction, need to be freed...
Here’s a suggestion: Just sit with the tree 🌳✌️❤️
Mirella Ester Pennone Masi, Pavia, Italy
Quell’aria declinante d'un notturno
ancora si rivela al cuore mio,
oltre la siepe si smorza un brusio,
verde è l’edera, già odora il viburno.
Oh, tu mia amata notte sei il tormento
non senti come pulsa questo cuore?
Le mie risposte parlano d’amore
sul mio dolore, tu, metti l’accento.
Il vento sussurra un mito solare,
irrequieto s'accende il mio pensiero
come un gabbiano vola là sul mare.
Cerco le scie doriche d'un veliero,
delle stagioni d'oro il dardeggiare
nel grecale che geme ancor sincero.
declining air of a nocturnal
reveals itself to my heart,
the hedge a buzz fades,
green is
ivy, already viburnum smells.
Oh, you
my beloved night are torment
don't you
feel how this heart beats?
answers speak of love
on my pain,
you, put the accent.
The wind
whispers a solar myth,
thoughts are restless
like a
seagull flies over the sea.
I look
for the Doric trails of a ship,
darting of the golden seasons
in the
grecale that groans still sincere.
© 2019
Mirella Ester Pennone Masi
Rajashree Mohapatra, Bubaneswar, Odisha, India
Picture of a voyage
A pendant in her cleavage
Endless dreams of her prince
She hides treasure in her eyes .
A pendant in her cleavage
Endless dreams of her prince
She hides treasure in her eyes .
In deep ocean bed a mermaid dwells
Desperate passions surface well
With emeralds of desires
She has drawn to the water’s edge .
Desperate passions surface well
With emeralds of desires
She has drawn to the water’s edge .
Singing joyous on the shore
With waves her voice melodious
When water swilling around
Her joys knew no bounds .
With waves her voice melodious
When water swilling around
Her joys knew no bounds .
Ocean fills with wave millions
Heart swells with love impressions
Oh Prince . . . She waits to adore
Before storm sweeps forevermore.
Heart swells with love impressions
Oh Prince . . . She waits to adore
Before storm sweeps forevermore.
Her eager arms and longing eyes
Desires to mix blood in wine
Twisted boughs in passionate hugs
Union of souls, a glory perfected
By the song of the sea.
Desires to mix blood in wine
Twisted boughs in passionate hugs
Union of souls, a glory perfected
By the song of the sea.
© 2019 Rajashree Mohapatra
Poem & Painting
Poem & Painting
Matilde Cherchi, Sassari, Sardinia, Italy
Aria stagnante
Il volo di un passero
scuote il ramo
Stagnant air
The flight of a
shakes the branch
© 2019 Matilde Cherchi
Bijoy Bhakat, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
How can
I forget -
That bright dawn
That warm noon..
That golden dusk
That beautiful afternoon ..
When -
You were there with me
Sitting face to face
Holding hand in hand..
On the sea shore
On the shining sand..
Under the sky
Under the moon..
Oh dear -
I can't forget that dusk
I can’t forget that afternoon..
When -
The hope was there in the mind
The love was there in the air..
The desire was there in the soul
The dream was there in the tear..
The warmth was there in the heart
The pain was there in the croon..
Oh dear-
I can't forget that dusk
I can’t forget that afternoon.
That bright dawn
That warm noon..
That golden dusk
That beautiful afternoon ..
When -
You were there with me
Sitting face to face
Holding hand in hand..
On the sea shore
On the shining sand..
Under the sky
Under the moon..
Oh dear -
I can't forget that dusk
I can’t forget that afternoon..
When -
The hope was there in the mind
The love was there in the air..
The desire was there in the soul
The dream was there in the tear..
The warmth was there in the heart
The pain was there in the croon..
Oh dear-
I can't forget that dusk
I can’t forget that afternoon.
© 2019 Bijoy Bhakat
© 2019 Bijoy Bhakat
Rasma Raisters, Daytona Beach, Florida, USA
Summer on my mind,
when the weather is so kind.
The sun is warm
and the breezes caress.
When life is slow
and days laze by -
like honey bees on flowers fly
Shimmering seas
and hot sandy beaches,
sweet strawberries -
stay in my memory.
Summer on my mind,
when days are long
and moonlit nights shimmer like silver,
with glittering stars -
gazing from afar.
Fruity wines
and ice-cream cones,
fluffy clouds
and children laughing aloud -
stay in my memory.
© 2019 R.Raisters
David Mac Eachern, Dartmouth (near Halifax), Nova Scotia, Canada
Going on past any phase
The grip of life's fest
Long turns toward fresh days
Road into a garden nest
Taking nature by the hand
Extra touch of real love
Steps of desire, passionate stand
Reaching out to venture above
Through the forest, into field
For destiny and pleasure sake
Higher range of attraction yield
Living a motion picture take
© 2019 David Mac Eachern
Saroja Krishnamurthy (Community Administrator), Bangalore, Karnataka, India
type of Filipino poem)
ನಿಗೂಢವದು ಸೃಷ್ಟಿ
ಸಮುಚ್ಚಯದ ದನಿ
ಸೂಚ್ಯಾತ್ಮಕ ಬರಹ
ಸಮ್ಮೋಹಕ ಚೇತನ
ಸಮುಚ್ಚಯದ ದನಿ
ಸೂಚ್ಯಾತ್ಮಕ ಬರಹ
ಸಮ್ಮೋಹಕ ಚೇತನ
ಪ್ರೇಮ ಬಾಳಿನ ಸತ್ವ
ಸುಗಂಧವದು ದಯೆ
ಆತ್ಮಸಾಕ್ಷಿಯೇ ಸತ್ಯ
ಸೌಂದರ್ಯವೇ ಪ್ರಭೆ
ಸುಗಂಧವದು ದಯೆ
ಆತ್ಮಸಾಕ್ಷಿಯೇ ಸತ್ಯ
ಸೌಂದರ್ಯವೇ ಪ್ರಭೆ
ಇಂಗ್ಲಿಷ್ ರೂಪಾಂತರ
Mystery of creation
Alluring animations
Nature's scriptic allusions
Say all about conjunctions
Alluring animations
Nature's scriptic allusions
Say all about conjunctions
Love is life's very essence
Compassion is its fragrance
Real wisdom is conscience
Beauty is the radiance
Compassion is its fragrance
Real wisdom is conscience
Beauty is the radiance
© 2019 B.S.Saroja
Poem & Photo
Poem & Photo
Thursday, June 27, 2019
Gelda Castro (Gel Poetry Carden), Rio de Janiero, Brazil
life unravels its webs
and binds us to it,
sometimes lovingly sweet,
sometimes too bitter,
in other times, passionately beautiful ...
And we surrender to its charm
Just as we surrender to the fascination of being loved
And we run the risk of crying, of suffering, of being unhappy.
Or, if we have a brilliant lucky star, we can shine along with it!
(C)Gel Poetry Garden-2019life unravels its webs
and binds us to it,
sometimes lovingly sweet,
sometimes too bitter,
in other times, passionately beautiful ...
And we surrender to its charm
Just as we surrender to the fascination of being loved
And we run the risk of crying, of suffering, of being unhappy.
Or, if we have a brilliant lucky star, we can shine along with it!
Zenaida Laragon Talozo, Piano di Sorrento, Italy
If You Love Me
If you love me
Come and get me..
I'll give you the love..
That you deserve to be..
Once you're here with me..
You will never regret..
As my love is all I have..
That I offer with full sincerity..
Give me the opportunity.
To show how i care intensely.
Our world be the happiest..
There's no regret nor gloomy..
Our world be so vast..
Like the vastness of the ocean sea.
Where all happiness and joy..
Is extant against any defying tides..
The soft pillows of our love..
Be a blissful blows of passion.
Like unfathomable ocean deep..
Or the howling sound of the windmills..
It's hidden at the core of my heart..
Zealousness, serenity and enchantment.
No swooning of heart shall come.
But paramount of love captivating enthralled.
© 2019 Zenaida Laragan Taloza
If you love me
Come and get me..
I'll give you the love..
That you deserve to be..
Once you're here with me..
You will never regret..
As my love is all I have..
That I offer with full sincerity..
Give me the opportunity.
To show how i care intensely.
Our world be the happiest..
There's no regret nor gloomy..
Our world be so vast..
Like the vastness of the ocean sea.
Where all happiness and joy..
Is extant against any defying tides..
The soft pillows of our love..
Be a blissful blows of passion.
Like unfathomable ocean deep..
Or the howling sound of the windmills..
It's hidden at the core of my heart..
Zealousness, serenity and enchantment.
No swooning of heart shall come.
But paramount of love captivating enthralled.
© 2019 Zenaida Laragan Taloza
James Dean Chase, Odessa, Texas, USA
Lost within a dark halo,
his life's blue flame still flickers
refusing to be snuffed out;
as violet shadows dance
to his heartbeat's echoing
his return to animate
his body from it's long sleep;
to, again, swim in the stream
of a bubbling new spring
into a world of wonder
where he will never be lost...!
© 2019 James Dean Chase
Stone Wood-tray Wang (Poet has not shared his location)
Exploring the Meisan,
Chinese pedigree poetry
Chinese pedigree poetry
Explore the poems of a hedgehog in the fog,
such a medieval European nursery rhetoric writer
The sound is great.
After the spring of the depression,
the snow was not in the spring,
and the bulls were not arrogant.
In the New Year, the calming of the cold forest
is not the desire of everyone,
watching the hippo seems to be long-lived
without strengthening the sun like the sun
Like the white horse, the little white bear
is like Liu Tingyu’s must be in the evening,
and the spring is like the snow and the frost.
Flowers are not flowers, fog is not fog.
A hedgehog's Hugo sighs at the end of the sea.
In the river, let the grass on the Qingqing River, think far.
Crossing the river and fishing for the moon
is the imagination of the butterfly dream and Xiaoyan.
The strange fish in the water
uses a leaf as a parachute snail.
But the beautiful white horse, or the little white bear,
caused the flowers to be non-flowered.
Fog is not fog, how long is it like a spring dream?
Going like a butterfly, innocent place?
Back to the shore, the fantasy drifting came to an end,
The Hugo poets and the white bear
fighting people of the Stone Age tribes can meet again.
It’s great!
I hope that their descendants will regain
the traditional culture of the swan
with imagination and fantasy wonderland.
Nursery rhymes.
such a medieval European nursery rhetoric writer
The sound is great.
After the spring of the depression,
the snow was not in the spring,
and the bulls were not arrogant.
In the New Year, the calming of the cold forest
is not the desire of everyone,
watching the hippo seems to be long-lived
without strengthening the sun like the sun
Like the white horse, the little white bear
is like Liu Tingyu’s must be in the evening,
and the spring is like the snow and the frost.
Flowers are not flowers, fog is not fog.
A hedgehog's Hugo sighs at the end of the sea.
In the river, let the grass on the Qingqing River, think far.
Crossing the river and fishing for the moon
is the imagination of the butterfly dream and Xiaoyan.
The strange fish in the water
uses a leaf as a parachute snail.
But the beautiful white horse, or the little white bear,
caused the flowers to be non-flowered.
Fog is not fog, how long is it like a spring dream?
Going like a butterfly, innocent place?
Back to the shore, the fantasy drifting came to an end,
The Hugo poets and the white bear
fighting people of the Stone Age tribes can meet again.
It’s great!
I hope that their descendants will regain
the traditional culture of the swan
with imagination and fantasy wonderland.
Nursery rhymes.
© 2019 Stone Wood-Tray Wang
Nigel Da Poet Paul, San Fernando, Trinidad & Tobago
That line
It starts with one line
Paused a moment of time
Listen to the guitar chimes
No reason no rhyme
Vocals gone blind
Thoughts don't reminisce
Memories vacant bliss
Blind to the path
Deaf to the journey
For sorrow is the scenery
Yet knees seem weary
Eyes to the sky
Dreams of unanswered wishes
Are but the broken heart dishes
It simply start with a line
Emotions become mimes
Locked in an fictional box
Tears are but waves
Crashing upon metaphysical rocks
Wasted be the energy
Torment consoling reality
It starts with one line
Everything is fine.....
Paused a moment of time
Listen to the guitar chimes
No reason no rhyme
Vocals gone blind
Thoughts don't reminisce
Memories vacant bliss
Blind to the path
Deaf to the journey
For sorrow is the scenery
Yet knees seem weary
Eyes to the sky
Dreams of unanswered wishes
Are but the broken heart dishes
It simply start with a line
Emotions become mimes
Locked in an fictional box
Tears are but waves
Crashing upon metaphysical rocks
Wasted be the energy
Torment consoling reality
It starts with one line
Everything is fine.....
© 2019, Nigel Da Poet Paul
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Robert Gillette, Marion, South Carolina, USA
Told my way of
This is the story of the eagle
This is the story of the eagle
The eagle can live up to 70 years, but to reach that age, it must make a hard decision in its life. Over its 40 years, his long and flexible Talon's can no longer grab pray which serves as food, his long and sharp beak becomes bent, aged feathers become thick and heavy and stick to his chest, making it difficult to fly.
The eagle is left with only two options: Die, or go through a
painful process of change which requires that the eagle to fly to a mountain
top and sit in its nest, where he knocks his beak against a rock until he
breaks it off. Then he waits for a new beák, claws and feathers to grow. Finally, he will pluck out his old talon's and
with new Talon's, starts plucking out his old feathers. This change is worth
sustaining pain, and this eagle takes its famous flight of rebirth and lives
another 30 years.
Why is change needed? To survive.
Where we have to start the change process, we have to pluck
out unpleasant memories, negative habits and fixed mind sets. Only free from past burdens , can we take
advantage of the present, in order to take a new Journey ahead. In the future
let go your fixed mindset , and let your self fly like an eagle.
Brought to you by Robert
Little White Bear Gillette
© 2019 Robert Little White Bear Gillette
© 2019 Robert Little White Bear Gillette
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Zenaida Laragan Taloza, Piano di Sorrento, Italy
Tomorrow Tomorrow shall be a beautiful day.. Differs from the day that just past away.. It feels the soul strongly to get up fairly.. Tom...

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