Be free from negativity
It pains to see people in pain,
Immersed in the pool of melancholy.
Immersed in the pool of melancholy.
Important to cut down negative train,
Begotten ill to be well taken care.
Is it necessary to pass on
What we get from others?
Begotten ill to be well taken care.
Is it necessary to pass on
What we get from others?
Transfer of heat with thoughts,
feelings are not to be shared.
The cycle of hatred to be
stopped somewhere.
feelings are not to be shared.
The cycle of hatred to be
stopped somewhere.
Replacing anguish with smile,
creating a difference with joy,
Can't we make it worthwhile.
Let there be living to enjoy.
creating a difference with joy,
Can't we make it worthwhile.
Let there be living to enjoy.
© 2019 Sunita
Beautiful thought.